Self-Discipline: A Lovely Schoolmaster

Today a good number of individuals are so obsessed about being successful in their various assignments. For others, all that occupy their minds is how they can become relevant to themselves and the society at large. Well we shouldn’t be taken aback to know that there are some other folks whose utmost pursuit is to become extremely wealthy. However, there is nothing wrong with the above mention category of persons. It is just that most often than not, some of these folks either find it extremely difficult to have their dreams accomplished or sometimes, the dream could be completely aborted. The reason for this is that there was a broken link somewhere and
that particular broken link is self-discipline. Self-discipline has lot of definitions. From the pages of the dictionary, we see it as the practice or method of teaching and enforcing acceptable patterns of behavior. Another school of thought has it as a way of training someone so that they can learn to control their behavior and obey rules. For the purpose of this article, I’ll be presenting self-discipline as assigning guidelines to the body in order for it to properly function with the mind. It is also doing what is right regardless of any sort of personal sacrifices. First and foremost, we need to appreciate the fact that the mind and the body were design to operate in a perfect harmony. This means at every point in time, there must be an agreement between these two components of the human system. It may interest us to know that one of the cheapest ways we can accomplish this is simply by disciplining ourselves. Without mincing words, self-discipline happens to be one of the most critical tools we all need to acquire in order that we might become the best among our peers. For example, self-discipline is a foremost key to our mental, physical and spiritual destiny. Secondly, it is the only means by which habits of thoughts may be regulated and kept unswerving. Thirdly, success demands persistence which goes along with self-discipline.
Considering the above, you will agree with me that there is nothing more worthwhile to have in life than self-discipline. If we must make a mark in any human endeavor then, we need self-discipline. Self-discipline cut across every human activity such as business, career, politics, academics, religion, family, diplomacy, management, relationship and a host of others. However, the whole essence of self-discipline is geared towards the bearer becoming distinct, successful and relevant to both himself and the entire society. However, self-discipline is never a trait that can be passed from a father to his off springs. No no no, far from it. Being discipline is not hereditary; it comes with hard work. Your happiness and overall well-being depends on your ability to acquire self-discipline in every aspect of your life. It is also very vital because your livelihood and perhaps your family’s livelihood depend on it. No doubt, the process of acquiring self-discipline may be daunting and tedious, but the benefits are absolutely exquisite and priceless. Don’t forget, nothing good comes easy. One of the factors needed by anyone to attain self-discipline is diligence. This connotes persistent and thorough effort in doing something. There is never an effortless ride to the summit. You need to put cautious effort in place to arrive at any eminent position in life or to fulfill that glorious destiny of yours. Therefore, diligence is one of the best tools you have to acquire self-discipline. Our minds serve as guiding forces towards the acquisition of self-discipline. The mind is the birth place for our thoughts. We think using our minds. Virtually everything we say or do originate as a wimp of thought in the mind. Now if we must apply discipline in our utterances as well as our deeds, then our mind needs to be trained to abhor filthy thoughts and imaginations. Training the mind is the most crucial aspect of acquiring discipline.
However, it is quite soothing to grasp the fact that acquiring self-discipline is not limited to the above mentioned factors. There are other ways through which it can be developed as a lifestyle and one of these is simply by maintaining balance in everything we do. It will be grossly inadequate for anyone to develop just an abstract aspect of his life at the expense of the others. For example, some persons ignore the development of their spirit man all in the pursuit of pleasure. If the so called pleasure is not at variance with your religious standards then, there is nothing wrong at it. On the other hand, if the activities are opposed to your religious beliefs, then you need to abstain from them. The truth is with self-discipline comes values and virtues. Self-discipline is expected to transforms us into a moral edifice. It is at this point we can effectively fit into the society and exert a positive influence on our colleagues. Another way we can secure self-discipline is by maintaining a sense of urgency. The body should be place under the control of the mind. This is the only way you can respond positively to the call to duty from the mind. There is absolutely no benefit that can be derived from those wasted minutes of the day that would have been channeled into accomplishing a primary task. Maintaining focus in whatever we indulge ourselves has correspondingly proven to be yet another leeway into living and enjoying the benefits of self-discipline as a lifestyle. Focus talks about concentrated effort or attention to a particular thing. A major enemy to self-discipline is distractions. But with focus in place, we are well fortified to ward off any form of distraction irrespective of its magnitude. Bye and large, if there is any virtue we must possessed as individuals then, self-discipline is one of such. The benefits that can be accrued from it are multifarious and with self-discipline, the sky is no longer a limit but a point of inception for the bearer.

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