Avoiding the Status Quo

It has been discovered that maintaining the status quo can be very harmful and dangerous to the development of our mind and overall well-being. Man was created by God to be dynamic in nature. The various transformations and developmental stages we experience as humans beings is a basic proof that we were indeed designed to either initiate a positive change or respond optimistically to an adequate one. Every success story begins with an internal revolution. However, it is interesting for us to know that nothing changes until we change. The man who is always ahead of his peers is the man who tries other possible ways of getting a particular thing done. With this as a lifestyle, he has succeeded in getting rid of the status quo. A wise man once said, it is foolishness to do a particular thing repeatedly the same way and expect a different result. Maintaining the status quo could have a viral upshot on our
psychology and thereby establishing a diminishing outcome in our social status. Most times, people who like maintaining the status quo end up having their creative instinct crippled. It is also capable of making anyone less innovative thereby, rendering you ideologically bankrupt. This somehow paves way for stagnation and the overall effect is that the person eventually turns out to be an archaic fellow. Now you can see that upholding the status quo can be very detrimental to our personality and as a result must be avoided at all cost. Nevertheless, an effective antidote that can be of immense aid towards getting rid of the status quo is to always welcome a positive change in every aspect of our lives where it is necessary. Therefore, avoiding the status quo should be embraced as a personal responsible if; we must remain relevant in the scheme of things.      

Now the change I’m talking about here is nothing other than an improvement in our thinking pattern and also an adjustment in our lifestyle. These go a long way to enhance our personality. Some persons think what they need to be a better person is a change of name. Others believe what they need to enjoy the good things of life is a change of scenery. Sometimes, these can actually make you a better person but most times, what we need to reach our apex is simply a change of mindset. An internal change that begins in the mind. I mean the transformation of the mind. Whenever we go through the process of mind renewal, it affects every aspect of our being. The positive influence of this course of action can be seen in our attitude, character and the way we relate with the people around us. You might be tempted to think that these changes are too small to trigger off a rehabilitation process that will result into a totally transformed being. Nevertheless, small changes can make a big difference over the course of your life. Little adjustments grow into significant transformation over time. One of the basic truths for enjoying sustained success is that we must be ready to welcome positive changes into our lives. We must be tired of our present personality and think of how we can improve ourselves in order to be of great relevance to the society. Now understand this, you don’t have any business trying to change situations and circumstances; that is God business. Your business is to change your attitude and thinking pattern. If you succeed in killing all the devils in the world and you don’t change your thinking pattern, you still will not move an inch forward. Now you can see that change is a vital tool which everyone needs to sharpen his life. As individuals who are set to make the best out of life, we must be ready to initiate changes, make necessary adjustments and review our lifestyle on a daily basis.  Little or no wonder, they say: the only thing permanent in life is change.

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